Dienstag, 23. Februar 2010

I did it!!

Okay, as you all know, I am a complete newbie at this blogging thing - I'm still trying to figure out how to get a list of all of the people that I follow on that sidebar thing on the right hand side. One of these days I'll get it.

But look! Yup, over there on the right ----->

See that orange button?

I did it!! After reading the latest post from Cassie over at YouGoGirl, I wanted to join in her sew along for the cutest crochet-edged pillowcases. How better to show my support than by putting her button on my blog.

I didn't think that I could do it, but I did!

Okay, I know this post makes me lame, but hey, I'm excited.

'Till next time,
Mrs. M.

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